中英雙語新聞 20110601
2011/06/02 08:56洪秋玉
1. 行政院院長吳敦義昨天(1)召開全國反毒記者會,他除了重申遠離毒品的重要性,更表示無毒要從民眾每天在食用的食物做起,對於危害人體健康的食品、毒品,政府絕對嚴查嚴辦,決不寬待。
Primer 吳敦義 held a news conference for anti-drugs program yesterday. In addition to restate how important the idea is, he also said that the program should be practiced from foods we eat every day. He said government will seriously check and severely punish any food which may badly damage people’s health.
To ensure the safety of foods sold in campus, Ministry of Education cooperate with Department of Health to ask each school to put all the juice products off the shelf and sell them again after the vendors offer relevant qualification. At the same time, the schools should forbid lunch boxes vendors ordered outside school to present any drinks with sugar. Besides, schools should enhance relevant promotion if parents bring drinks with sugar in campus and ask them to avoid bring the drinks.
3. 從6月起高雄市60座圖書分館串聯成1座大書庫,民眾不論身處山海偏鄉,只要申請網路借書,5天內就能在指定分館取書。這項新政策方便偏遠地區民眾獲取圖書館資源,縮短學習落差。高雄市立圖書館為鼓勵民眾體驗這項服務,民眾如果在11月30號前,完成網路借書、而且成功取書,就可以參加抽獎。
The sixty libraries in Kaohsiung City will make a connection with each other to be a big library from this June. People who live everywhere can apply for on-line book-borrowing service and they can get the books in appointed branch of libraries within five days. This new policy will bring convenience to people who live in remote districts and then shorten the learning drop. To encourage people to read, Kaohsiung Public Library is promoting a program that people who complete book-borrowing application through on-line service and successfully get the book can join a lucky draw.
4. 卡通頻道公布「臺灣新世代2011兒童調查」報告,結果發現看電視仍然高居孩子休閒活動的第一名,而且有1成6的孩子表示曾經在網路上和沒有見過面的人交朋友。另外,調查還發現有7成5的孩童會把一半的零用錢存起來,顯示孩子受到現代科技的影響大,卻從小就具備理財儲蓄的觀念。
Cartoon channel announces the result of investigation for 2011 Taiwan new generation for children and finds that watching TV still takes the first position for children to spend their leisure time. Additionally, sixteen percent of them say they have ever made friends with people who have never met in reality. Moreover, the investigation discovers that seventy-five percent of them will save half of their allowance which shows that the children are strongly affected by modern technology while they have traditional saving conception.
5. 新北市衛生局監測腸病毒感染人數通報,上週共有68所學校、108名學童被通報,比起前一週的72人大幅上升,創下今年腸病毒感染單一週最高通報人數。,目前被列為腸病毒重症高危險區,有土城和鶯歌。衛生局印製腸病毒衛教小貼紙18萬份,透過家庭聯絡簿提醒家長,教導小朋友勤洗手,注意個人衛生。
Sixty-eight schools including one hundred and eight students were reported to get infected by enter virus last week according to the inspection of Public Health Department, New Taipei City Government. Comparing to the number, seventy-two, reported in the week before the last one, it has highly increased which make a new record of the most one in a week for this year. So far 土城 and 鶯歌 are considered highly dangerous section of being infected by enter virus. The department has printed one hundred and eighty thousand of labels to promote the health education which hopes to remind parents for teaching their children how to wash hands frequently and pay attention to personal hygiene.
6. 臺灣世界展望會關懷國內受虐和受暴兒童,目前在臺北、高雄和屏東等地,提供兒童寄養服務。寄養原因以受虐待、目睹暴力和遺棄等不當對待因素為主,另外,家長無力照顧子女的情形愈來愈多,也造成寄養兒童增加。展望會希望更多家庭一起投入寄養家庭的工作,幫助寄養兒童走出困境,詳細資訊請上臺灣世界展望會網站查詢。
World Vision Taiwan cares about internal children who suffer from mental and physical violence. So far children’s temporary care services are provided in Taipei, Kaohsiung and 屏東 areas. The reason for this service comes from improper treatments such as being oppressed, have experience of watching violence and being abandoned. Additionally, the situation that parents are incapable of taking care of their own children is getting serious which leads to the increasing number of application for the service. World Vision hopes more families to join the service for supporting more children to step forward from the difficulties. For more information, please check the website of World Vision.
7. 美國40年前通過聯邦民權法案(Civil Rights Act)第9章,禁止性別歧視後,各界極力鼓勵女學生走入過去以男性為主導的領域,像:科學研究、技術產業、建築、法律等。現在情況似乎已經翻轉,但美國的學校卻沒有像當年鼓勵女學生一樣,鼓勵男學生走入以女性為主的就業市場,例如醫療護理以及小學教師,還是以女生為主。學者呼籲,教育界應該幫助兩性從過去刻板的性別規則,走向更適合個體發展的未來。
The 9th chapter of the Civil Rights Act passed forty years ago encourages female college students to go into the industries which are mainly led by male such as science studies, technology, architecture and law. Even it seems that the situation changes, the local schools don’t encourage male students to join the works which are mainly led by female as usual such as medical care and elementary school teaching. The scholars call upon the educational field to help both genders for stepping forward to a new future which is more suitable for individual development without traditional sexual rules.
(2011-06-02 08:48:35 洪秋玉)